Management leadership training program in business organizations

  • Henry Darío Suárez-Vélez Polo de Capacitación, Investigación y Publicación (POCAIP), Manta, Ecuador.
  • Marcos Boanerge Vera-Mendoza
Keywords: Leadership; delegation of authority; decision making; Problem resolution..


The research aimed to determine the effectiveness of a management leadership training program in business organizations. The test was applied to the population of Klamer Supplies Company, located in the city of Portoviejo in the province of Manabí - Ecuador, consisting of 63 people, which were divided into two random groups, as follows: G1 formed by 31 people and G2 made up of 32 people. In post-test the level of bilateral significance changed to, 026 in G2, indicating significant differences. The organization has strategic thinkers who can look beyond the walls of the organization, preventing the articulation of actions that allow anticipating the negative actions that may occur, turning them into opportunities to grow integrally in favoring not only organizational productivity, but their own personal growth as a motivating entity to articulate better actions every day.


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Author Biographies

Henry Darío Suárez-Vélez , Polo de Capacitación, Investigación y Publicación (POCAIP), Manta, Ecuador.
Marcos Boanerge Vera-Mendoza

Master Universitario en Formulación y Tecnología del Producto, Ingeniero Industrial, Docente de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Suárez-Vélez , H. D., & Marcos Boanerge Vera-Mendoza. (2019). Management leadership training program in business organizations. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 4(12), 18-30.
Artículos de Investigación