Meanings about social responsibility in the university context
The main purpose of this research was to unveil the signifiers of social responsibility in the university context. Methodologically it was based on the fundamental theory of Strauss and Corbin, an analysis process was generated from the seven significant research subjects, which have a experiential ontological relationship with the phenomenon of study, which allowed interacting in order to reveal the signifiers in order to build the analysis of social responsibility categories in the university context, education germinated as one of the most viable ways to generate social responsibility enshrined in freedom, cooperation, respect, solidarity, critical attitude, commitment, reciprocity, tolerance, among many other aspects that dignify the human being, citizen of a world in conflict, and specifically, the university as alma mater is called to achieve the transform Community partner of the country.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Josía Jeseff Isea-Argüelles; Julio Juvenal Aldana-Zavala; Carol Elizabeth Ianni-Gómez; Marelys Castro
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