Effectiveness of a training program based on green marketing aimed at microentrepreneurs
The research aimed to determine the effectiveness of a training program based on green marketing aimed at microentrepreneurs in the city of Manta - Ecuador. Methodologically it was supported in an explanatory type, the test was applied to G1 made up of 21 people, while G2 was constituted by 23 people, the Student's T test was carried out, where 0 is established for G1Pre, G2Pre, G2Pos, being that G1Pos it obtained significance of 135 indicating movement in accordance with the various test moments, in this way, the null hypothesis was rejected. The experimental population are aware of the importance of working under this approach that every day wins customers throughout the world, in this way, they prepare to take on the challenges of the global market, being necessary to continue deepening on this theme in order to generate a business culture based on the ecological.
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