Service quality management in institutions of the Ecuadorian judiciary

  • Edwin Alejandro Delgado-Veliz Polo de Capacitación, Investigación y Publicación (POCAIP), Manta, Ecuador.
Keywords: Public enterprises; public administration; organizational change; business management.


The objective was to analyze the quality of service management in institutions of the Ecuadorian judiciary, being the specific case the administrative and tax contentious court for Manabí and Esmeralda. The survey was applied as an information gathering technique, applying a Likert scale instrument of 22 reagents to a population of 17 people working the administrative and tax contentious court for Manabí and Esmeralda, information that was processed through descriptive statistics for the purpose of analyzing the object of study. Regarding the perceptions of the clients, it can be said that 70% of the interviewees considered that the court does not meet the expectations of the clients that correspond to them, in this case, the court staff. However, according to the opinion of the staff regarding the same division, it was obtained that 70% disagree.


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How to Cite
Delgado-Veliz , E. A. (2018). Service quality management in institutions of the Ecuadorian judiciary. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 3(9), 53-69.
Artículos de Investigación