Performance evaluation by competencies

  • Lenin Párraga-Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Chone, Ecuador.
Keywords: Personnel; professional personnel; workers; decision making.


The research was descriptive in order to analyze the performance of the human talent of the technology supplies cooperative in Manabí. 65% of respondents do not receive comments regarding their own performance which demonstrates that the organization is not aware of the primary role that its developing human resources represent in strengthening its performance, that is to say that said organization does not value human resources as a provider entity that allows to achieve the individual objectives directly or indirectly related to the organization. The performance evaluation systematically assesses the performance that each person possesses based on the activities they fulfill and the goals and results to be achieved since it must always be carried out in proportion to the profile of the position they occupy and then be able to give feedback and comment the progress of the evaluated.


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How to Cite
Párraga-Zambrano , L. (2018). Performance evaluation by competencies. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 3(9), 37-52.
Artículos de Investigación