Study and projection for a transport company in the city of Manta

  • Pedro Enrique Reyes-Vélez Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Keywords: transportation companies; market; structure; values; projection


This research work presents some considerations about the economic development from considering the manufacturing companies of handicrafts as some of the business forms that can contribute to Ecuadorian economic development. It is the result of an investigation that was based on the documentary analysis of statistical data and non-participant observation.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Vélez , P. E. (2016). Study and projection for a transport company in the city of Manta. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 1(1), 14-24.
Artículos de Investigación