Management management model based on the rational model for decision making

  • Julio Juvenal Aldana-Zavala
Keywords: Decision making; organizational change; public administration; resources management.


The research was descriptive, supported by the feasible project modality, which first allowed weaknesses and strengths in relation to the management model applied in the study organization, and then designed the model to meet the research objective. which was to design a Management Model for Personnel of the Foundation of Theaters of the State Falcón (Fundateatros) based on the rational model for decision making. It is evident that there is a decision-making process that has greater emphasis on uncertainty, because decisions are made without having an established planning or monitoring or control is not fulfilled to assess the impact that such decisions have on the organization.


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How to Cite
Aldana-Zavala, J. J. (2017). Management management model based on the rational model for decision making. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 2(4), 31-48.
Artículos de Investigación