Stress analysis in community leaders

  • Josía Jeseff Isea-Argüelles Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Santa Ana de Coro, Venezuela
Keywords: Mental stress; occupational diseases; mental health; mental diseases.


The objective of the research was to analyze stress in community leaders of the Taratara community council, it was descriptive, the population was made up of 23 members of the Taratara community council, to whom a Likert scale instrument was applied to measure stress. It could be evidenced that the majority of the members of the communal council tend to have problems with their self-esteem, motivation, work more than projected and in an isolated way, that is, individually, which generates actions that lead to the existence of stress, therefore, it has been possible to verify that they are in a moderate level of stress, which, if the relevant actions are not taken in time, can aggravate the situation, causing diseases and situations that affect people and with it the operation of the communal council.


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How to Cite
Isea-Argüelles , J. J. (2017). Stress analysis in community leaders. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 2(3), 51-63.
Artículos de Investigación