Styles of leadership in the organizational climate of the police in the province of Manabí

  • Víctor Reinaldo Jama-Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Chone, Chone, Ecuador.
Keywords: Leadership, Delegation of authority, Decision making, Problem solving.


The investigation was carried out with the objective of determining the influence of leadership styles in the organizational climate of the police in the province of Manabí. It was of the type of correlational research, supported by a non-experimental, transectional, field design. The leadership that has the greatest influence is the self-critic, having a strong influence in an authoritarian organizational climate, this promotes an action where the bosses are right, impose their ideas, with which, the subordinates are limited to obey and the potential that these may have for the contribution of situations that lead to increase the productivity of the organization are relegated to not be taken into account.


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How to Cite
Jama-Zambrano , V. R. (2017). Styles of leadership in the organizational climate of the police in the province of Manabí. Revista Cien´tifica FIPCAEC (Fomento De La investigación Y publicación En Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas Y Contables), 2(2), 3-17.
Artículos de Investigación